2300-year period (the beginning of the end)

Based on this remarkable prophecy we can conclude that we have entered the climax of history.

The sanctuary is restored

Daniel's prophecy refers to a period of 2300 days.

“And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed” (Daniel 8:14).

Is it justified to interpret these 2300 days, like the other prophetic periods, as years? And what should be the starting point of the period?

The 70-week prophecy [see: 490 - Israel] makes perfect sense, but only if you understand it in terms of years. That provides an important clou for answering these questions. The angel Gabriel, who presented the70-week prophecy to Daniel, said that this period is determined for the nation of Israel and the holy city of Jerusalem. The word 'determine' is a translation of the Hebrew chatak, which means as much as to cut off, to set apart, to allocate. In extra-biblical usage the word chatak is applied to literally cutting off things. Apparently, the 70-week period is cut off from something else. But of what?

It must be cut off from the longer period of 2300 days, about which Daniel received an explanation before (in chapter 8). Notice that Daniel, when introducing the 70-week period, says:

“(…) while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, reached me about the time of the evening offering” (9:21).

What beginning and vision is Daniel referring to? Daniel encountered the angel Gabriel before, when he was given the vision of the 2300 days period. Note that between the vision and explanation of these 2300 days (in chapter 8) and the prophecy of the 70 weeks (in chapter 9) there have been no other visions and there has been no other meeting between Gabriel and Daniel. It is therefore safe to assume that the earlier vision Daniel refers to in the explanation of the 70 weeks, is the vision of the 2300 days. The choice for the word 'chatak' makes sense now. Apparently, there is a longer period (of 2300 days), and part of this period (70 weeks/490 days) is cut off. This shorter timeframe specifically relates to the people of Israel. This connection between both prophetic periods is reflected in the timeline (by the way, note that a third period of 1260 year is embedded in this scope too):

This interpretation immediately yields two important points.

1)    If the 70 weeks actually represents 490 literal years, as is commonly assumed and which makes perfect sense, then the period from which it is cut off must apparently also be explained in years. Otherwise, you would be comparing apples to oranges.

2)    It is justified to assume that the starting point for both periods will be identical. Go to [490 - Israel] for an extensive explanation of this starting point. Both periods start with the royal decree of Artaxerxes in 457 BC. Counting from this point, the 2300-year prophetic period ends in 1844. This view is common within the 'Adventist' church-denomination and is adapted here as well. This would imply that the beginning of history’s end started in this year.

After close of the period, in other words beginning in 1844, the sanctuary would be ‘cleansed'. Remember that in the New Testament, the term sanctuary (or ‘temple’) is solely used as a symbol of God's community. A cleansing of this symbolic temple refers to a spiritual cleansing, which apparently is needed by that time. It’s a new sort of temple cleansing, a renewal of the church. God is preparing the church for the 2nd coming of His Son.

The major spiritual developments which developed since this time, have set the tone for the final piece of world history. As we will see, this turns out to be exactly the case…

In our days, a new world order is to emerge based on a cocktail of evolutionism, universalism, spiritualism, science, technology, and a global economy which is based on centrally coordinated ownership. Did you know that the around the year 1844 we find all the spiritual seeds of these ideologies, that increasingly dominate the world stage today? The principles of New Age, evolutionary thinking, the new communism, the universality of all religions and the growing authority of the Vatican all are linked to this remarkable prophetic year.

According to the Bible, we are living in the last days already since the first coming of Jesus (see e.g., Hebrews 1:1-4). But the 2300-year period suggest that the final piece of history is set in motion in the 19th century. A broom is going through the sanctuary and fake religion and true religion will be separated. The bride is preparing herself for the great Day, the day when the Messiah will once again appear on the world scene. It creates great expectation!

Let’s take a look what interesting events are linked to 1844.

1 - Darwin & the evolutionary worldview

FROM 1844 and onwards Darwin develops his evolutionary view of life. It would become the dominant philosophy of the 20th and 21st century.

In the introduction to his work The origin of species, Darwin says: “After five years of work I allowed myself to speculate on the subject, and drew up some short notes; these I enlarged in 1844 into a sketch of the conclusions which then seemed to me probable: from that period to the present day I have steadily pursued the same object.”

The theory of evolution is the philosophical and moral foundation under the contemporary view of life. It summarizes the vision of organizations such as the Vatican, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. Within this framework there is no fixed definition of what a human is. Humanity can continue to develop at its own discretion, supported by modern technology, and thus determine its own future, of course without any accountability towards a Creator.

2- Karl Marx & the idea of common ownership

IN 1844 Karl Marx began writing his Communist Manifesto. His manifesto was published in 1848, but Marx was working on the concept before. Between April and August 1844, Marx created his Paris Manuscripts (also called Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts), which formed a prelude to his later economic work ( https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx). Within this framework private property is considered a secondary right. Even though Marx’s work is closely associated with th horrors of communist societies, a similar undervaluation of private property is currently introduced in the western world. It is even promoted as the basic ingredient for our future world economy. We have to share everything. Isn’t that a great idea?

Property is more and more subordinated to the general social interest. The World Economic Forum promotes this common good ideology as the best way to arrange the global economy: you'll own nothing and will be happy [see: a global pact for an in-depth analysis of this movement]. Of course, this ideology is sold with reference to climate, sustainability, and convenience. But although the marketing machine has a fresh look, the underlying idea about ownership is nothing new. Not only has Marx been promoting similar ideas 180 years ago but limiting private property rights has been the official teaching of the Vatican for many centuries. Pope Francis recently reaffirmed the Catholic social teaching by claiming that private property is a "secondary right." In doing so he builds on a long tradition, which goes back at least to the Roman theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274):

“The possession of all things in common is the natural law” (Summa Theologiae, ii-ii, 5th article). “In case of need, all things are common property, so that there would seem to be no sin in taking another's property, for need has made it common.” Summa Theologiae, ii-ii, 7th article.

In line with this view of ownership, the Vatican launched an initiative in December 2020, together with many major international companies. It presented as an effort to create a 'just' society, including all the flowery language so characteristic for Rome’s sales department. The initiative, named The Council of inclusive capitalism with the Vatican, already represents trillions of US dollars in market value. But think about it. Creating just and inclusive capitalism of course requires a lot of direction and top-down control, like every communist project in history has shown. It is not based on a true renewal of the heart, but it only works if there is a strong centre of power which forces people in a certain direction. Therefore, it is a perfect model for the elite. Anyone who has just a little knowledge of history knows that handing over property rights to the elite has always gone terribly wrong in the past. But no worries, on a global scale it will certainly succeed!

3 - Baha'i & the design of a one world religion

IN 1844 the Baha'i religion was founded (https://bahai.com/). The aim of the Baha'i is to stimulate mutual respect and unification of all religions. This idea continues to gain in popularity in our days. After all, humanity must come together to secure its own future, right?

The Vatican is fully promoting and accelerating this global blend of spirituality. They do this, for instance, by organizing interfaith meetings in Assisi (since the 1980s). The Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi is another prime example (https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2021-06/abu-dhabi-abrahamic-family-house-2022-human -fraternity.html). A synagogue, a church and a mosque are being built on a common site, with a shared garden as a symbol of mutual recognition. Get to know more about these initiatives in [toward unity without Jesus].

Building ​​a worldwide religion has been a focal point of Freemasonry ever since its inception. Go to [a worldwide pact] to find out what this has to do with the Vatican agenda and which organization is actually driving the freemason society.

The fusion of religions is increasingly prominent on the agendas of world powers and is promoted as the key to solving all kinds of world problems. Dan Wheatley (by the way, note who’s the publishing house) puts it bluntly:

4 - Codex Sinaiticus & the question of ultimate authority

IN 1844 the Codex Sinaiticus was discovered in the Monastery of St. Catherine (this codex is an ancient Greek manuscript of the New Testament). The Codex Sinaiticus is an ancient source text of the Bible. The manuscript links up with the Codex Vaticanus, which had already been 'discovered' in 1481, in the Vatican library. This rings a bell. The dominant flow of manuscripts, known as the 'Textus Receptus', is increasingly pushed aside in favor of these alternative versions. Many modern Bible translations have exchanged the familiar Textus Receptus for Rome’s copies.

It raises questions as to why the more than 5,000 available manuscripts of the Textus Receptus are being exchanged for the Vatican versions, of which there are only very few in comparison. They gained popularity partly because of the ancient dating of the writings. But is old always better? Even in the time of the New Testament (the first century AD), misleading documents were published. The apostle Paul ends all his letters with a personal written note to avoid fraud. In the first century Egyptian Alexandria was a center of occultism and Gnosticism. Many documents were produced and stored in this area. Within this philosophy the divinity of Christ was tampered with (Bart D. Ehrman, The Evolution of the Bible, p. 96).

This manuscript issue, therefore, goes to the heart of the spiritual conflict that runs throughout our entire world history. Who is ultimately in charge? Is Jesus Christ the Alpha and Omega, or is He just one of the gurus in the religious supermarket? That’s exactly what is at stake here.

To learn more about the history of source text and translation, check out [Jesus: Good new for all nations] or take an hour of your time to listen to Dr. Veith's lecture, The Battle of the Bible, https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=uY6v4jhTB68

5 - Gilgamesh Epic & the promise of secular science

IN 1844 the famous Gilgamesh Epic was found in the gigantic ancient library of Nineveh. The find symbolizes the pretentions of secular science to 'explain' the Bible away and question the objective value of faith.  

The text includes a story that is reminiscent of the flood of Noah. Rather than seeing this as confirmation of the reliability of the Biblical record, liberal scientist just claimed the opposite. According to liberal theology, the story of the Bible was derived from this ancient epic and was not recorded until the time of the Babylonian captivity. This line of reasoning can be found throughout modern theology: the Bible and the Christian faith are explained as a product of surrounding cultures and traditions, which are considered more authentic. Thus, the Bible is quietly brushed aside, turning from an authoritative source into nothing more than an interesting, old religious document.

Secular forms of science along with technological development has occupied the place of the Biblical testimony and promises.


In the year 1844 we find seeds of the spiritual developments that dominate today’s world stage.

  • The theory of evolution provides the scientific and moral foundation to shape the future, and recreate humanity, according to our own wishes and insight.
  • The annihilation of private property is promoted as the basis for redesigning the future world economy. Within the scenario, everyone becomes part of an immense system in which everything is shared 'together'. It is the perfect setup for a powerful elite.
  • The tendency towards inclusiveness and the unification of all religions is promoted as a solid basis for world peace. Jesus is denied His unique role in history and ends up on the shelf next to other religious heroes.  
  • Rome increasingly usurps moral authority over the Bible and the world's population, under the banner of the common good. They want to have the final say in everyone’s life.
  • The authority of the Bible as an authentic and reliable document is replaced by promises promises of secular forms of science and technology. Live is more and more captured and directed by reports, algorithms, statistics, data, and sophisticated interventions even to the level of our DNA. The future is in our hands, not God’s.

Since 1844 the Adventist church movement also started, partly due to the extensive writings of Ms. Ellen White. This community gave new impetus to the expectation of God's future world and a Biblical view of world history. Revival took place around the same period (such as the 'great awakening'). The movement has grown globally and represents the prophetic voice, which wants to wake up the global church and warns against the deception of the ecumenical agenda of Rome.

During the final preparations for the second coming of Jesus, the differences between light and dark, good and evil will become increasingly clear. The sanctuary is cleansed. We find ourselves in the middle of this development. God is preparing His worldwide community for the great day.

The big question for you is: who do you trust? Will mankind create a paradise on earth in the coming years? Or would it be a much better idea to look forward to the Prince of Peace, Jesus, who has promised to be with us every day, until the end of the world? Don’t wait too long. Make up your own mind.