1260 years V-dominance

The Vatican dominated the Middle Ages. How did they do it? Do we look at this period in the rearview mirror only?

To identify a candidate, we need characteristics. These characteristics are presented to us on a silver platter through the prophecies from the books of Daniel and Revelation.


Under the tile [Babylon] a visualization is available that helps us on our way. We can extract the following three things from this:

  • The statue that the Babylonian prince Nebuchadnezzar sees in a dream (Daniel chapter 2) is made up of different materials. These materials symbolize the empires of Babel, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. It is remarkable that the statue in its entirety continues to stand on its feet until the end of world history.
  • Four animals (Daniel chapter 7) reflect the same realms, only now shown as four special and fearsome animals.
  • There is a 'beast' coming out of the sea (Revelation 13), which directly connects to Daniel’s vision.

What immediately strikes is that the beast from the sea is a sum of the four animals (you can see it in the visualization in [Babylonia]). Besides, this beast also has the properties of the growing 'horn'. Apparently, inthis beast from the sea the previous superpowers come together. The prophecy tells us it will grow into a world power that will dominate the scene of the last days. Revelation 13 says that " (…) all the world marveled and followed the beast" Together, the visions of Daniel and Revelation provide a clear list of characteristics on to the superpower that will dominate the world. Can you think of any historically identifiable organization that qualifies for this dubious role on the world stage?

  • The new ruler will not suddenly appear on the scene at the consummation of earth’s history but will slowly but surely grow out of the Roman Empire (Daniel 7:8).
  • Although it starts small, it grows into the most dominant power on the planet.
  • The superpower will last a long time. After all, it already starts in the era of the Roman Empire, and it remains active until the end of world history. Remember that the 'stone' that hits the statue at the foot destroys it in its entirety in one fell swoop, Daniel 2: 34-35: “(…) then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together”. So, we are not looking for a short ruler from a distant past. Nor does it relate to an individual who suddenly appears on the scene somewhere in the future. It is related to a historic, traceable line, which will remain in its entirety until the end of the world.
  • The power occupies a dominant political role in world history over a period of 1260 years (1260 days, 42 months, 3.5 years. See: [1260 years]).
  • The candidate exercises political power (Daniel uses beasts as symbols of political powers). However, in a sense it will be different from the previous kingdoms: “(…) he shall be different from the first ones”(Daniel 7:24).
  • During a period of 1,260 years dominance, it will persecute the saints of God, speak blasphemous things, and change God's set times and covenant laws according to its own will (see Daniel 7, Revelation 13).
  • The power is a sum of the former empires. In other words, it will reflect the spiritual legacy of the previous realms. For example, the centrality of solar religion (Babel), the use of immutable decrees (Medo-Persians), and religion in which man acts as the measure of all things (Greeks), will play a prominent role.
  • The beast apparently sustains a fatal wound. In other words, the political role of this organization seems to have been played out at a certain point in history.
  • Still, the political wound will heal and the whole world will start to follow it. The book of Revelation speaks of a time when all presidents (kings) and prominent business leaders (merchants) forge a monster covenant with the new 'Babel'. It's a lucrative business, for the time being.

The New Testament mentions even more features of the wicked, anti-Christ like power that will become active in world history. We can add those to the list.

  • The anti-Christian power arises from within the church (I John 2:18-19).
  • The system has a leader who allows himself to be approached within the church as if he is equal to God (II Thessalonians 2:4).
  • Note that Jesus is not speaking of one, but of many false Christs who are about to come: “(…) For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:5).
  • Did you know that the Greek word 'anti' in most cases means 'in the place of'? The anti-Christian power positions himself not as an outright adversary, but as a substitute for Christ.
  • It all has a deceptive appearance (II Thessalonians 2:9-10). It looks beautiful from the outside. The religious words and promises sound fantastic. But inside it stinks like a rotting fish.
  • This system practically denies that Jesus is the Christ thru whom alone we acquire salvation (I John 2:22) and makes people completely dependent on itself, gaining immense religious power.

The only possible candidate

There is only one organization in world history that comes close to this long list of characteristics. What's even more, which exactly meets all the criteria. Unfortunately, the only plausible conclusion is that the prophecy in the Bible points to the rise of the V-Power, the Vatican.

Did you know that the Vatican…

  • …has emerged from the Roman Empire [Rome]?
  • ...subdued three other kingdoms during this rise?
  • …has held sway for exactly 1260 years in what we now know as the 'Middle Ages' (from 538-1798), see [1260 years]?
  • …during that period has persecuted the Saints on a large scale? It persecuted, oppressed, tortured, and killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Christians. The institute also has countless persecutions and pogroms toward Jewish people on its conscience. Did you know they even organized escape routes for Nazi war criminals in the aftermath of WW II (extensively documented in Ratlines, written by Mark Aarons & John Loftus)? Furthermore, many other people were killed during the power expansions of the colonial era and afterwards.
  • …exercised political power, but in a different way compared to the earlier empires, as it ruled indirect, by subduing worldly powers?
  • ….changed God's times at his own discretion? The Sabbath, already instituted since the creation week, was exchanged for Sunday. The calendar of religious holidays (such as Easter) was modified to suit its own purpose.
  • …changed God's covenant law at its own discretion? In the official catechism, the ten commandments have been adjusted. The second commandment has been completely deleted, and the ninth has been split in two to make it ten again.
  • ...assigned itself the exclusive right to forgive sins and thereby made people completely dependent on their own institution? And that they have become extremely wealthy by exercising this religious power?
  • ...promoted Greek dualism through the idea that the soul never dies [Greeks]?
  • ...exploited the specter of an everlasting hell and the dooms of purgatory based on the pagan idea of ​​the immortal soul?
  • …makes a lot of use of solar symbolism in its structures, clothing and rituals [ancient Babel mingles among the nations]?
  • …own the largest 'sun wheel' in the world (a symbol copied from ancient Babylonian and Persian religion) in its square in Rome [Babel]?
  • ...used symbols from ancient pagan religions, such as the (fish) mitre and the holy water, which was practiced in Baal rituals?
  • …issues decrees that can never be changed (ex cathedra), just as the Medes and Persians did [ Medo-Persians ]?
  • …came up from the context of the church?
  • …sees itself as the infallible vicar of Christ, sitting in Christ's place, and ascribing divine authority to himself (remember that ‘anti’ often means instead of)? And consequently, claims power over the whole world?
  • ...sees itself as the linchpin of the future world community [the climax of an ancient conflict]?
  • ...has appropriated the imperial title pontifex maximus (see below) [Rome]?
  • …was temporarily expelled from the political scene at the end of the eighteenth century, exactly after a period of 1260 years political dominion? The beast suffered a political 'wound' during the French Revolution, as Napoleon exiled the Pope.
  • …has been making an impressive comeback since the early twentieth century [V-Power back on the world stage]? The wound, that separated the religious and worldly power (church and state), is healing.
  • …in our days forges a monster alliance with all the kings and merchants of the earth, including politics, religion, entertainment, unions and big tech? The whole world starts to follow the beast. See [V-Power back on the world stage] and [a global pact].
  • ...will come to the fore in the coming years as the moral compass of humanity and receive acclaim from all, even unexpected, sides?
  • …is deceiving masses of people with many beautiful words, encyclicals and ideals, when in reality, just like in the Middle Ages, it is all about power, money and self-gain [the climax of an ancient conflict]?
  • ...abolishes the one-time and perfect sacrifice of Jesus by offering Him again and again and again during the Eucharist (see below)?
  • …steers numerous ecumenical and interfaith initiatives to promote universal spirituality [see: toward unity without Jesus]? Christ is sidelined. By doing so, they deny in word and deed that God Himself came among men in the life of Jesus and that He alone is the foundation of our future (see II Peter 2:1 and I John 2:22-23 '...That is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son").
  • …never talks about the second coming of Jesus, because this directly conflicts with their own interest.
  • …will last until the day when God tears down the great Babylonian construct, to establish His everlasting Kingdom?


According to Bible prophecy, the Vatican power has become the historical epicenter of the spiritual battle in world history. The bottom line of their strategy is to sideline Jesus and to setup an alternative kingdom on earth.

Difference between individual Catholics and the institution!

Let it be clear that this does not say anything to the detriment of individual Catholic people. God values every person in this world. There have been many God-fearing Catholics throughout history. Yet developing spiritual discernment about what is going on in the world is vital. Why would God give clear indications of history in His Word if we could never understand or use it? Why did Jesus warn against deception if we are not able to form spiritual judgment? Even today more and more Catholics start to question what’s going on in the institute they are part of. It’s therefore vital to acquire clear vision on the true nature of the leadership within this organization.

God has shed light on the world through His Word. The beast out of the sea and the growing horn (both signify the same power) symbolizes the Vatican's institution of great power, the insiders who represent it, the global partnerships, the religious ecumenism, and the spiritual powers that direct it all. At its core, this is about keeping people away from Jesus. In this effort, everything is allowed, from subtle temptation to brutal violence. So don't be naive. Not everything on the world stage is what it seems.

Lightning rods and end-time confusion

Many Christians in church history reached the same conclusion. They have pointed to the Vatican as the superpower of biblical prophecy. To allay these suspicions, the Vatican developed two lightning rods in the 16th century. With great success. From the 16th century onwards, the Roman Jesuit Order (founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola) counterattacked. Their goal was (and is) to defuse the Reformation and secure Rome's power system. This was often accompanied by brute force. Yet subtle strategies were also developed.

In the era of the 'counter-reformation' (16th century and later) two lightning rods were developed in the form of alternative theories about the "antichrist." According to these theories, the antichrist would not be active in the here and now. The antichrist was banished to a bygone past or pushed forward to a distant future.

The promotion of these two different theories is remarkable. The Jesuits were organized according to a strict military hierarchy (read more in [a global pact]). Rome always applied a strict policy on the doctrines. Yet it was allowed to bring two totally contradictory views on the theological market.

  • PRETERISM: Alcazar of Seville pointed to the past. Daniel's anti-Christ refers to the Greek king Antiochus IV. It is an explanation that is untenable, among other reasons, because the 'horn' of the vision does not arise from the Greek, but from the Roman Empire.
  • FUTURISM: Ribera of Salamanca and Bellarmine of Rome pointed to the distant future. Daniel's prophecy points to a future seven-year period when an antichrist suddenly appears on the scene. This second theory became a blockbuster. From the 19th century and onwards (via John Darby, Assemblies of brethren) it has conquered the Protestant/Evangelical/Charismatic world. However, this futuristic vision is also untenable. Among other things its clear from the scriptures that the 'horn' gradually grows out of the Roman Empire and does not suddenly enter the scene 2000 years later.

The divide and conquer strategy of the Jesuits has worked. This is the reason why we see so much confusion within the Protestant/Evangelical world about the right interpretation of the end times. All kinds of ideas about the future have been proposed. You can no longer see the forest for the trees. Futurism in particular has encouraged resignation within the church. Again and again, there have been people who thought that the final seven-year period had come, but this had to be readjusted many times. If you have experienced that a few times, the prophetic picture loses its credibility.

However, as soon as you understand that the preterist and futuristic visions are both completely untenable in their entirety, it at once becomes a lot easier. Although we do not understand everything, the main line is clear. There is a historical, unbroken line of superpowers, running from Babylon, through Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome to our days. The epicenter of the spiritual battle can be identified based on the prophecy given and is - even in our own days - clearly recognizable.

Here's an impression of the two infamous 'lightning rods':

On the floor in the Vatican

On the floor in the Vatican, you will find the title Pontifex Maximus, which goes back to the Roman emperors. And even back further. Do you also recognize the yellow winged lion (symbol of Babylon)?

All kinds of other symbols have been adopted by the Roman system from ancient religions, such as the mitre and the use of holy water (from the old Baal religion).

The testimony of early church fathers

The conviction that the new superpower could only blossom after the fall of the Roman Empire is in line with the testimony of several early Church Fathers.

For example, Tertullian says:

“He who now hinders must hinder until he be taken out of the way. What obstacle is there but the Roman state; the falling away of which, by being scattered into ten kingdoms, shall introduce antichrist.” Tertullian, “on the resurrection”, chapt 24, 25. (Christian apologist in North Africa, 200 AD).

Edward B. Elliot stated in 1862:

“We have the consenting testimony of the early fathers, from Irenaeus, the disciple of St. John, down to Chrysostom and Jerome, to the effect that it was understood to be the imperial power ruling and residing at Rome (Edward. B. Elliot, Commentary on the Apocalypse, volume 3, pg 92 (1862) And H. Grattan Guinness states: “(…) While the Caesars held imperial power, it was impossible for the predicted antichrist to arise….On the fall of the Caesars he would arise.” (Guinness, Romanism and the Reformation, pg. 105 (1887).  

The dark ritual of the Eucharist

The Last Supper was instituted by Christ as a symbol to commemorate His death and to look forward to His return (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). The bread and wine are symbols of the one-time sacrifice Christ made. The letter to the Hebrews emphasizes very clearly that Christ's sacrifice was one-time and sufficient for the remission of all sin:

For with one sacrifice He made perfect for ever those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14).

In evangelical and Protestant circles, this symbol is often celebrated. The Catholic celebration of the Lord's Supper is called 'Eucharist'. Superficially seen it looks like a symbolic commemoration too, but on closer examination it is something entirely different.

The Eucharist occupies the central place in Rome's thoughts and actions:

“The Eucharist is 'the origin and summit of the whole Christian life'.”
“In short, the Eucharist is the summary of our faith: 'Our way of thinking corresponds to the Eucharist, and conversely the Eucharist confirms our way of thinking' (Catechism pg. 312).

If this is the gist, then it is important to understand its meaning. What does the Catholic Catechism say about this ritual? Here's a quote from their own official documents:

“The sacrifice is one and the same: through the priestly ministry now the same one who once offered himself up on the cross offers himself: only the manner of sacrifice is different. And because in this divine sacrifice performed during the Mass, the same Christ, who once offered Himself in a bloody way on the altar of the cross, is present and He is offered in a bloodless manner (…) this sacrifice is truly an atoning sacrifice (p. 322, italics added).

The catechism states without any doubt that during the Eucharist Christ Himself is sacrificed again. Yes, in the present tense. According to the theology of the Vatican, this is not to be regarded as a symbol, but as an actual event. It caused a great strive in the time of the Middle Ages (the so-called 'transubstantiation doctrine'). The entire religious practice is setup to emphasize that Christ Himself lies on the altar. The word 'host' is derived from the Latin word hostia, which means victim. A priest must be involved to perform the sacrifice. Literally sacrificing Christ over and over again, that’s what the eucharist is about and what forms the heart of the roman catholic system. Who is behind this hideous deformation of the symbol instituted by Christ, as a commemoration of His one-time sacrifice, that was completed with the Saviors own cry: ‘it is finished’?

Read more about it in the Bible

  • Daniel 2 and 7
  • Revelation 13
  • The Letter to the Hebrews

Listen to this lecture by Walter Veith on the teachings of Rome:
